
Thursday, June 17, 2004


Well, they've fixed the a/c in the spinning room, thank GOD, even so one of the windows was completely stuck open (probably from the other night) and so we still got to enjoy some of that fabulous humidity that we're experiencing in NYC this week. Tonight's class seemed harder than Thursday night spinning has been in a while, but (in hindsight) that's a good thing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Oh. My. GOD. Walked into the spinning room tonight and was instantly hit was a wall of heat. Not only was the a/c for the room completely broken, but somehow the room had managed to heat up to over 90 degrees (I know, I looked at the thermostat). Scary Spinning Instructor decided to hold class anyway, saying that she would take it easy on us (yeah, right). Well, this class was like Bikram Spinning -- by the end of the class the whole thing had taken on a surreal quality. I made it through though, as a matter of fact, there were a few times when I looked around the room and saw that Ellen, Ken and I were the only ones still following along. I guess that shows you that conditioning outside in real weather really does work. Chalk this one up to further acclimation to running in the summer heat & humidity (did I mention that it was also incredibly humid today???)

Monday, June 14, 2004

Week 17


Ran for 30 minutes on the treadmill. Ran an interval of 20 minutes, speeding up for the last 5 minutes. And then, after a walk break of one minute, I ran an interval of 10 minutes, starting out at the speedier pace of the last 5 minutes of the 20 minute interval and then speeding up even more for the last 4 minutes of this one.